From 26 April to 12 May I will not be able to give assistance as I will be on vacation. Thank you and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


Friendly URL not working on NGNIX web server

Add these directives inside your NGNIX server configuration.

location / {    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
location ~ ^/viewer/(ajax|content|css|gallery|header|icons|js|maps|media|objects360|panoramas|pointclouds|products|vendor|videos)/ {
location /viewer/ {    rewrite ^/viewer/(.+?)/?$ /viewer/index.php?furl=$1 last;
location ~ ^/vr/(css|font|img|js|vendor)/ {
location /vr/ {    rewrite ^/vr/(.+?)/?$ /vr/index.php?furl=$1 last;
location /landing/ {    rewrite ^/landing/(.+?)/?$ /landing/index.php?furl=$1 last;
location ~ ^/globe/(css|img|js)/ {
location /globe/ {    rewrite ^/globe/(.+?)/?$ /globe/index.php?furl=$1 last;
location ~ ^/showcase/(css|js)/ {
location /showcase/ {    rewrite ^/showcase/(.+?)/?$ /showcase/index.php?furl=$1 last;