
Simple Map Locator

What are the requirements? ServerPHP 5.6+Mysql PHP Extensionsgettext - zip - curl - gd - imagick - mysqli - intl Apache Extensionsmod_headers - mod_rewrite - mod_deflate - mod_expires

How do i install the software? 1) Create an empty database on your server panel and take note of the access parameters, you will be prompted in the installer.2) Unzip codecanyon_XXXXXXXX.zip file.3) Copy all files and directories from the codecanyon_XXXXX ...

How do i update the software? 0) Back up files and database of previous version Automatic update (version 2.9+)1) Log in to your backend with the administrator account 2) In the sidebar menu, click Update 3) Click UPDATE NOW! Manual update (if the au ...

I cannot upload files larger than X mb Adjust PHP settings to allow uploading large files:- max_execution_time: max execution time of scripts (Suggested: > 300)- max_input_time: max execution time of upload (Suggested: > 300)- memory_limit: not equal to post_max_s ...

I change the language but translations not working - make sure that the PHP extension gettext is installed into your server- double check if your server have the correct language locale installed, for example de_DE for Germany. If you have ssh access to your server run the ...

Ho to migrate the license to a new installation? 1- Log in into backend of the current installation 2- Go to Settings - License 3- In the Purchase Code field enter an invalid code, click Check and then Save 4- You can now use your license in the new installation If the ...

Reset administrator password 1. Login into sml database from your server admin panel 2. Go to table sml_users 3. Find the corresponding line of the administrator and mark his ID 4. Run this query (replace your_new_password and ID) UPDATE sml_users ...

How to move the installation to a new server? 1) Copy all the files from your actual server to the new one 2) Dump / Restore the database from your actual server to the new one. 3) Open the file /config/config.inc.php and change the database parameters 4) If you ch ...