Simple Virtual Tour - SaaS Plugin


1. Reset administrator password

2. Ho to migrate the license to a new installation?

3. How to install packages on your server for tools?

4. How do i update the software?

5. What are the requirements?

6. How to change name of the viewer folder?

7. How to move the installation to a new server?

8. I change the language but translations not working

9. I cannot upload files larger than X mb

10. Friendly URL not working on NGNIX web server

11. How do i install the software?

12. Where I can find Tutorials?

1. Reset administrator password

1. Login into svt database from your server admin panel

2. Go to table svt_users

3. Find the corresponding line of the administrator and mark his ID

4. Run this query (replace your_new_password and ID)

UPDATE `svt_users` SET `password`=MD5('your_new_password') WHERE id=ID;

for example

UPDATE `svt_users` SET `password`=MD5('changeme') WHERE id=1;

2. Ho to migrate the license to a new installation?

1- Log in into backend of the current installation

2- Go to Settings - License

3- In the Purchase Code field enter an invalid code, click Check and then Save

4- You can now use your license in the new installation

If the above does not work, just open a ticket in the "License Migration / Problem" category, that doesn't require an active support!

3. How to install packages on your server for tools?

In order to install the packages needed to make works some extra tools of the application you need a server with Debian/Ubuntu as OS and root privileges to access into SSH terminal.

These are the commands for install all the required packages:

apt-get install python3 python3-pil python3-numpy python3-pip
apt-get install hugin-tools
pip3 install pyshtools
apt-get install ruby-fastimage

If your operating system is ubuntu 22.04 and you can't install the hugin-tools package, fix it by running these additional commands:

add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/hugin
apt-get update
apt-get install hugin-tools

4. How do i update the software?

0) Back up files and database of previous version 

Automatic update (version 5.8.1+) 
1) Log in to your backend with the administrator account 
2) In the sidebar menu, click Update 
3) Click UPDATE NOW! 

Semi-Automatic update (version 6.5.1+) 
1) Upload the zip into your root directory and rename it to
2) Log in to your backend with the administrator account 
3) In the sidebar menu, click Update 
4) Click UPDATE NOW! 

Manual update (if the automatic method doesn’t work) 
1) Unzip the new version of 
2) Upload new versions of the files and directories by replacing them in the root of your hosting server being careful not to delete the existing contents 
3) Log out of the backend and log back in 
NB It is not necessary to run the installer again 

If Automatic Update not working try to adjust these PHP settings:
- allow_url_fopen: enable this
- max_execution_time: max execution time of scripts (Suggested: > 300)
- memory_limit: not equal to post_max_size or upload_max_filesize (Suggested: > 512M)

5. What are the requirements?

PHP 7.1+

PHP Extensions
gettext - zip - curl - gd - imagick - mysqli - mod_headers - mod_rewrite - mod_deflate - mod_expires

PHP Settings  
Required  Recommended
session   YesYes
shell_exec NoYes
allow_url_fopen YesYes
file_uploads YesYes
max_execution_time 60300
max_input_time 60300
max_input_vars No5000
memory_limit 128M512M
post_max_size NoMax upload size
upload_max_filesize NoMax upload size
set_time_limit NoYes


N.B. In order to install some packages on your server you need root SSH privileges.

Multiresolution (optional)
Debian/Ubuntu OS

Video 360 Tour 

Gallery Video Slideshow 

Video Projects 
Linux kernel 3.2+

These features work through the related services installed on the SVT server, to create your own services follow the relevant guides.

Live Sessions
PeerJS Server
Coturn (TURN/STUN Server)

Jitsi Meet Server

6. How to change name of the viewer folder?

Put a file .htaccess inside the root of the application with this content (change new_viewer_name with desired name):

<ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/([^/]+)
    RewriteRule ^new_viewer_name/(.*)$ /%1/viewer/$1 [L]

7. How to move the installation to a new server?

1) Copy all the files from your actual server to the new one

2) Dump / Restore the database from your actual server to the new one.

3) Open the file /config/ and change the database parameters

4) If you change the domain name or ip address of the server, remember that you must invalidate your license (by put an invalid purchase code inside your settings) on the old server in order to then be able to use it on the new installation.

Remember to change your DNS settings pointing to your new IP server if you want to maintain your domain name

8. I change the language but translations not working

- make sure that the PHP extension gettext is installed into your server
- double check if your server have the correct language locale installed, for example de_DE for Germany. If you have ssh access to your server run the command locale -a to check it.
- if the language is not listed in the above output, run these commands to install it: locale-gen de_DE and locale-gen de_DE.UTF-8
- restart the web server

9. I cannot upload files larger than X mb

Adjust PHP settings to allow uploading large files:
- max_execution_time: max execution time of scripts (Suggested: > 300)
- max_input_time: max execution time of upload (Suggested: > 300)
- memory_limit: not equal to post_max_size or upload_max_filesize (Suggested: > 512M)
- post_max_size: the maximum size of the file you want to upload (this value need to be larger then upload_max_filesize)
- upload_max_filesize: the maximum size of the file you want to upload

If you are under NGNIX server you need also to increase the client_max_body_size to the same or greater value of post_max_size.

10. Friendly URL not working on NGNIX web server

Add these directives inside your NGNIX server configuration.

location / {    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
location ~ ^/viewer/(ajax|content|css|gallery|header|icons|js|maps|media|objects360|panoramas|pointclouds|products|vendor|videos)/ {
location /viewer/ {    rewrite ^/viewer/(.+?)/?$ /viewer/index.php?furl=$1 last;
location ~ ^/vr/(css|font|img|js|vendor)/ {
location /vr/ {    rewrite ^/vr/(.+?)/?$ /vr/index.php?furl=$1 last;
location /landing/ {    rewrite ^/landing/(.+?)/?$ /landing/index.php?furl=$1 last;
location ~ ^/globe/(css|img|js)/ {
location /globe/ {    rewrite ^/globe/(.+?)/?$ /globe/index.php?furl=$1 last;
location ~ ^/showcase/(css|js)/ {
location /showcase/ {    rewrite ^/showcase/(.+?)/?$ /showcase/index.php?furl=$1 last;

11. How do i install the software?

1) Create an empty database on your server panel and take note of the access parameters, you will be prompted in the installer.
2) Unzip file.
3) Copy all files and directories from the codecanyon_XXXXXXX directory into your hosting server root or subdirectory.
4) Access with your browser to http://yourserver/directory/install/start.php (replace your server/directory with the correct path).
5) Follow the wizard and complete the installation.

12. Where I can find Tutorials?
