
Simple Virtual Tour

What are the requirements? ServerPHP 7.1+Mysql PHP Extensionsgettext - zip - curl - gd - imagick - mysqli - intl Apache Extensionsmod_headers - mod_rewrite - mod_deflate - mod_expires PHP Settings  Required  Recommendedsession   YesYessh ...

How do i install the software? 1) Create an empty database on your server panel and take note of the access parameters, you will be prompted in the installer.2) Unzip codecanyon_XXXXXXXX.zip file.3) Copy all files and directories from the codecanyon_XXXXX ...

How do i update the software? 0) Back up files and database of previous version Automatic update (version 5.8.1+) 1) Log in to your backend with the administrator account 2) In the sidebar menu, click Update 3) Click UPDATE NOW! Semi-Automatic updat ...

How do i enable SaaS version? 1) Buy the SaaS plugin here2) Login into application Backend, go to the Settings - License tab and enter the purchase code from Envato of the SaaS plugin to unlock the SaaS features.N.B. No need to reinstall the software

I cannot upload files larger than X mb Adjust PHP settings to allow uploading large files:- max_execution_time: max execution time of scripts (Suggested: > 300)- max_input_time: max execution time of upload (Suggested: > 300)- memory_limit: not equal to post_max_s ...

I change the language but translations not working - make sure that the PHP extension gettext is installed into your server- double check if your server have the correct language locale installed, for example de_DE for Germany. If you have ssh access to your server run the ...

How to move the installation to a new server? 1) Copy all the files from your actual server to the new one 2) Dump / Restore the database from your actual server to the new one. 3) Open the file /config/config.inc.php and change the database parameters 4) If you ch ...

Friendly URL not working on NGNIX web server Add these directives inside your NGNIX server configuration. location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args; } location ~ ^/viewer/(ajax|content|css|gallery|header|icons|js|maps|media|objects360|panoramas|pointcl ...

How to install packages on your server for tools? In order to install the packages needed to make works some extra tools of the application you need a server with Debian/Ubuntu as OS and root privileges to access into SSH terminal. These are the commands for install all ...

How to change name of the viewer folder? Put a file .htaccess inside the root of the application with this content (change new_viewer_name with desired name): RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/([^/]+) RewriteRule ^ne ...

Ho to migrate the license to a new installation? 1- Log in into backend of the current installation 2- Go to Settings - License 3- In the Purchase Code field enter an invalid code, click Check and then Save 4- You can now use your license in the new installation If the ...

Where I can find Tutorials? Here https://simplevirtualtour.tawk.help/

Reset administrator password 1. Login into svt database from your server admin panel 2. Go to table svt_users 3. Find the corresponding line of the administrator and mark his ID 4. Run this query (replace your_new_password and ID) UPDATE `svt_u ...